31st Tactical Fighter Wing
"Punisher Squadron"
The driving force of the 31st is the Punisher Squadron, a group of six S-3 Barracuda tactical fighters expertly flown by a top notch fighting unit. A pair of S-2 Manta heavy assault fighters and a squadron of six S-1 Pirhannas flies as support to the 31st Tactical Fighter Wing.

Lt. Col. Fel-onia Shar

Captain Pon-Tik

Lieutenant Grunjar Tor

Captain Barry Kaid

Lt. Thorgon Norleg
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The Yazirian Thorgon takes the helm of Patrol Flight Leader Gamma P-1, piloting the SDAS Punisher's lead S-1 Pirhanna with two wingmen under his command.
Major Derrick Malis

Lieutenant Felicia Hart
Lieutenant Xobaltik
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The Dralasite Xobaltik makes up the final member of Punisher Squadron, piloting Alpha P-6 under the command of flight leader Pon-Tik. His dry sense of humor is often overheard on the comm during maneuvers and when engaging the enemy, which often serves as a distraction to both friend and foe alike.
Captain Lochip-Til
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The female vrusk Lochip-Til takes the command of the other half of the S-2 Manta heavy assault portion of the Escort Carrier Punisher in Beta P-2. She is wyly and hard to predict, even despite the slower speed and maneuverability of the heavy assault fighters.
Lt. Juanita Falkina