Top Brass of SDA
Yan-Soon's Personal Staff
Yan-Soon's right hand man is the cyberneticaly enhanced vruskan Lord Q'ortir-Mein. Formerly known as Lieutenant Colonel Q'ortarmas, he was involved in a star fighter crash and was seriously (not to mention permanently) injured during the SDA's operations at Histran. He was later revived with bionics and cybernetic implants, replacing extensively damaged and destroyed tissues and organs. Despite losing half of his abdomen (and four legs as well), his skeleton was surgically laced with a federanium alloy. Mechanical lungs and an electronic respirator assist his organic heart, digestive tract (which can only tolerate liquid food), and brain; the latter of which was enhanced with a micro-computer. Other useful items include passive IR/UV receptors, a radiophone, toxy/rad guage connected to gas filters in his helmet, an infrared jammer, built in compass, electromagnetic boots for zero-grav maneuvers, and cyber-linked shoulder mounts for heavy weapons.
His revived self was reborn under the guise of Lord Q'ortir-Mein and he has served as Yan-Soon's primary leading agent ever since.

^^^ Lord Q'ortir-Mein ^^^

^^^ Colonel Destra ^^^
Vivian Destra was recruited directly from under Yan-Soon's former command with Truane's Star. She is the top ranking officer, second only to Lord Q'ortir-Mein. She is as cunning and dangerous as she is demure and attractive...her primary service is the coordination of ground troops. Her thirst for bloodletting is unparalleled, and she has been known to abandon her post more than once to join her troops for little more than the sheer joy of the slaughter.
Vivian Destra was recruited directly from under Yan-Soon's former command with Truane's Star. She is the top ranking officer, second only to Lord Q'ortir-Mein. She is as cunning and dangerous as she is demure and attractive...her primary service is the coordination of ground troops. Her thirst for bloodletting is unparalleled, and she has been known to abandon her post more than once to join her troops for little more than the sheer joy of the slaughter.
Lt. Col. Victor Menaas
Another loyal casualty of war, Victor's injuries were nothing compared to Q'ortarmas' sufferings. Victor suffered from an artillery explosion that burned half of his body. His armor constantly feeds a soothing liquid medication gel onto his burns to ease the infectious wounds, although he feels nothing thanks to seared nerve endings from the blast. A cunning and ruthless warrior, he reports to Destra and is usually found relaying her orders on the ground.
Major Quell-Sum

A higher ranking female Yazirian from the Vilia clan, one of Yan-Soon's two clan heritages. She has risen through the ranks with a vast knowledge of firearms. Her specialty is vehicle combat and artillery, but she prefers going hand to hand with a foe.
This half-liter Ifshnit transplant from the Rim joined SDA with the promise of military command. As a Lietenant she recieved that command aboard one of the Soon Uprising dreadnaught class vessels as a Battery Commander, coordinating groups of rocket batteries against the enemies of SDA. She finds this line of work much more exciting than her former merchant life in Capella. In an attempt to blend in with Frontier lifestyles, she regularly shaves her ifshnit bodyhair, something that would be seriously frowned upon back home. But she has no intent of returning, unless General Yan-Soon opts to go after any Rim worlds...
Lieutenant Afismyte
This female vrusk is the chief medical and environmental officer in the SDA. Her research in the field of bionics and cybernetics led to an exile from Frontier society. Piracy and other criminal organizations were not very apealing, but she liked what SDA had to offer and was a shoe-in. It was by her hand that the rebirth of Lord Q'ortir-Mein was made possible.
Chief Master Sergeant Mosilaj

The highest ranking of the enlisted troops is the Dralasite Mosilaj, whose vast knowledge in the fields of weapons, maneuvers, and computers makes him a valued member among all officers. He often leads troops under the command of Menaas, both on the ground and in spaceships. Unlike most dralasites, he has no sense of humor whatsoever. As such, when he isn't serving in times of warfare he works as a drill instructor with new recruits.