SDA Hit List
Bounties Paid for Capture and Return
The SDA has managed to make a few enemies beyond the UPF. Bounties will be paid in full for the live capture of any of these targets.
Richthoeven Von Schak
Bounty: 1,000,000Cr
A former S-3 Barracuda Fighter pilot ace and apprentice to Lord Q'ortir-Mein, little else is known of this former aspiring soldier of the Sovereign Domain Authority. After serving with various combat units including the now famous 31st Tactical FIghter "Punisher Squadron" under Q'ortarmas (before he was known as Q'ortir-Mein) and his succesor Fel-onia Shar, as well as serving as wingman to Lord Q'ortir-Mein in the prototype S-4 Tiger Shark on the crafts' maiden test missions. Von Schak was one of the few fighter pilots that survived the SDA's failed attempt at Histran, although he did manage to chase off the bandit that scored the fatal blow on Q'ortarmas' craft (thus preventing his squad leader from being destroyed). There was little he could do to prevent said lead craft from plunging into Histran's atmosphere and crash landing in their vast plains. Von Schak quickly achieved the status of Captain in the SDA fighter ranks (as well as acceptance within the Inner Circles of the Secret Order of Yan-Soon), he found conflict within those ranks and eventually departed in secrecy. While seeing the errors in the ways of his former General, he also does not agree with the UPF's movements against him. He feels both sides should start taking the Sathar threat a little more seriously, his last battle was one against the worms and they handed the SDA forces a staggering fight that they barely won, at a great expense.
Just prior to departing the SDA, Von Schak stole a prototype heavy fighter and denounced the Soon Uprising. He is believed to have donned a new identity, or perhaps simply hiding it in a disguise. He was last believed to have been seen still wearing a barely recognizable but demilitarized SDA flight suit. He may still be in possession of the stolen prototype Crescent fighter, and if recovered a bonus will be paid for it as well.
John Knightrazor II
Bounty: 250,000Cr
John Knightrazor was responsible for mustering a group of independant freight haulers to team up with Histran's planetaty militia forces in a ruse that ultimately lead to SDA's failure in overtaking that planet. Knightrazor has since made it a point to be a thorn in Yan-Soon's side ever since. He can be immediately recognized if he is seen using his mutant "energy manipulation" ability, either absorbing or discharging electricity.
A smaller bounty of 100,000Cr is also being offered for his companion and co-pilot Rin-Blanka.
Karab Shar
Bounty: 150,000Cr
Karab Shar was the next in line heir to his clan family's title of Baron over the Zingara clan, until things got shaky in the family name when his clan mother departed to join the ranks of the Sovereign Domain Authority. Once word of this got out, his family's name was quickly tarnished and put to shame. His father was eventually forced to step down and denounce his title, and as his mother's reputation grew as an ace fighter squadron leader in the 31st Tactical Fighter Wing the ridicule was more than his father could stand resulting in what has been documented as suicide. Karab, suspecting foul play, tried in vain to prove his father's death was not self inflicted. This made him even less popular amongst the clan and he eventually went into exile soon afterwards. As such he had his signature canis teeth and nails plated with silver (clan custom is to dip them in iron).
He has wandered the Frontier for several years since then taking on odd jobs as an enforcer, a job he finds quite natural given his former clan's reputation as a fierce and barbaric tribe. Short and stocky by Yazirian standards, this has gotten him into more than one tussle with other Yazirians looking to pick a fight. Which usually isn't a good idea on their behalf, as he is quite strong and even more agile. Along his travels several chapters of the "Black Mandrills" hovercycle club have tried to recruit him, and while he has associated with them on numerous occassions he never committed himself to any of them but at the same time has never coughed any of them up when the law came down on him. As a result he remains in good standing with many of their members and has many contacts within their organization around the Frontier, which has come in handy on several occassions. Star Law tried connecting him with several crimes that escalated in Port Loren along with interrogating him about his mother's role with SDA, he beat the charges and had nothing more to offer about the SDA aside from the fact that if he ever catches up with his birth mother that she has a lot to answer for.
Lately he has been making a lot of noise about that issue, and has garnered a bit more attention than the SDA is comfortable with. It's tough to move in secrecy when one of your top fighter pilots is drawing unwanted Frontier-wide attention.
Bounty: 75,000Cr
Dosarmas is the direct descendant of Q'ortarmas/Lord Q'ortir-Mein. While he has not raised his voice or made any moves against the SDA, the ties to such a high ranking figure can not be left loose. Still, he may yet try to pursue such noise if his unemployment conditions go too far, as he was discharged from the Zik-Kit Militia under pressure from such relations when they were publicly recognized. He has loose ties with a humma Star Law agent that is currently on suspension, and that could spell impending doom if he ever opts to use such ties to pursue any moves against the SDA. He is believed to be working undercover in the guise of a hovercycle club member in New Hope, Triad, as several recent Frontier News Network broadcasts concerning unrest between hovercycle gangs from that area have been recognized by Lord Q'ortir-Mein, the unmistakable appearances of his son wiping out the Magnificent Seven in self defense, a tussle with some Traid Sathar members, and a privae interview all did not go unnoticed by SDA's second highest ranking member...such bravery and prowess could surely be an asset to the SDA if the father could convince the son to join. Barring that, imprisonment is always another option. Speculation has it he may be in cahoots with Karab and/or the Black Mandrills with these recent tussles unfolding on Triad.
A 10,000Cr reward is also being offered for his humma lawman associate, Multzchilde Fafhd of Glaxx Movement. Surely if Dosarmas can not be found, Fafhd could be made to reveal his whereabouts, and neither can be permitted to raise a hand against the Sovereign Domain Authority. Yes, we are very are made long before they can become problems.
Vanessa "Domino" Steele
Bounty: 50,000Cr

Vanessa Steele was a fine infiltrator and agent of SDA until she defected. She is believed to be associated with a group of space pirates now (quite possibly the same group she left when joining the SDA), so rest assured the UPF has not benefited from her services and information, but since pirates can't be trusted...such a situation should resolve itself quickly. Wild and unpredictable, her career path is a natural one. Be warned, she is quite skilled with most weapons, this bounty won't be an easy one. Her code name stems from her victims falling like a row of dominoes.